
. . . custom web and database design with FileMakerPro®

academic database and internet development

SCENARIO. You are the top administrator in a higher education department, let's say a department chair or the director of a school. Just before leaving for the day at 4:57 pm, your boss' secretary calls your secretary with the news that her boss (the new guy, dean, vice chancellor, whatever) has called a meeting for 8 AM tomorrow morning. It is important, naturally, since all meetings called by this individual are at the last minute and "life or death."

The reason for the meeting? "Not sure," says his/er secretary, "but I overheard something about budget vs. student enrollment and recruiting figures." Whoops, hang on here - zero-based budgeting again? Students for dollars, again?? If this meeting goes like other meetings recently you will be "front and center" and expected to voice needs and wants with hard facts, figures, and eloquence. On the spot.

FIRST RESPONSE. You begin searching through files to find what you need. You approach your own secretary about staying after hours to help but she is a soccer mom with responsibilities. "If the call had only come earlier in the day . . ." she says. You order take-out pizza and get to work. Two hours later you have found everything and are ready to go.

SECOND RESPONSE. After a glance at the clock, your loyal secretary opens up FileMaker Pro®, navigates to the student enrollment and the recruiting / inquiry databases, then pulls some reports together after performing a few easy queries. She opens the budget database where all details and figures are available through pre-formatted reports accessed by button clicks, then takes a quick look at the faculty database to verify one item. She chooses the reports you need while you are standing there, prints them out for your review, and in 10 minutes you are ready to spend a relaxed evening with the family, away from it all.

» » If you prefer the panic of RESPONSE 1, don't fire your shrink and your marriage counselor just yet.
» » If you are inclined to appreciate RESPONSE 2, this is where FMPRO2GO can enter the picture.

FMPRO2GO assists academic units in planning and managing the design, development, operation and maintenance of information. FMPRO2GO also is committed to assisting non-profit charitable organizations devoted to children.  

©2008 fmpro2go